More on Hymn Memorization

     In my last post, How to Memorize Hymns, I mentioned that I might do a hymn study on 'Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery." However, I feel God leading me in a different direction. The words speak for themselves, and I just wanted any excuse to share the lyrics.

So, I decided to just share the link for them and also a lyrical music video for the song. The reason I wanted to share the music video is because that is part of how I learned the words. Lyrics are much easier to memorize when you know the tune of the song. Also, it is a great song to get stuck in your head, because the lyrics can replay over and over in your mind.

Without further ado, here are the links:



Also, if you read last week's post and wanted to apply it, but didn't know what hymn to start with, I've provided a list below of some of my favorite hymns.

  • Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
  • Great is Thy Faithfulness
  • How Great Thou Art
  • Before the Throne of God Above
  • In Christ Alone
  • Holy, Holy, Holy
  • It is Well with My Soul
  • The Old Rugged Cross
  • All Things Bright and Beautiful
Of course, there are plenty of other great hymns (and other songs) that would be good to memorize. Choose the ones that you enjoy! Also, artists/bands such as Jimmy Needham, Newsboys, and Chris Rice have made modern adaptions of hymns - or even made their own -  that you can download on Spotify or listen to on YouTube. 

Even in the car or as your cleaning the house, you can rehearse songs that you're memorizing or listen to unfamiliar ones. No matter how busy you are, there are always pockets of time where you can memorize/listen to a 3-minute hymn or just one verse.

 Lastly, you don't have to limit it to just hymns! There are plenty of contemporary, rap, or other songs that have great lyrics. Simply memorizing Scripture is a great use of your time.

Well, I hope I've able to inspire you to learn hymns, songs, and Bible passages that you didn't already know. I've been applying what I've written and I'm really reaping the benefits! It's wonderful to have a song or Bible verse on hand that I can always think of to refocus my attention on God. Have a great week!


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