Worship Fuel: Reminding Ourselves of the Gospel

"We must hear the Gospel every day because we forget it every day." - Martin Luther "Jesus became a man, lived a perfectly righteous life, took our punishment on the cross, & then came alive again to secure for us a place with God" - this is the gospel we tell to unbelievers. But do we tell it to ourselves? The gospel is for us as believers, too. There are many reasons for this, but the one I want to focus on today is that remembering what God has done fuels our love & worship. When we find ourselves bored or confused in worship (I've been there, and still often am), it might be because it's been a while since we've been reminded of the gospel story. We can go to church every week and read the Bible every day, and still rarely hear about the gospel. Not every sermon or passage directly talks about what God has done for us in Jesus' death & resurrection; instead, the majority of the sermons & passages we consume could si...