5 Reasons for Hard Times (part 2)

In my last post, I began a list of five reasons for hardships. I mentioned the wrong ideology that our relationship with God is a way to take the easy route in life. Some televangelists and other pastors promise that faith is a definite ticket toward financial success, physical blessings, and illness-free living. This growing belief, most commonly known as the "prosperity gospel," is sweeping the nation. This doesn't make it right. In fact, being perfectly honest: the prosperity gospel is dead wrong. The prosperity gospel is idolatry with the word "Jesus" sprinkled in a few times. It is not the Gospel. Anyway, since this topic could (and possibly will) turn into a whole blog post, I suppose I'll get back to the point. We aren't promised a shower of physical blessings here on this earth. We are to live a life broken and spilled out for the sake of gaining Christ. However, we are promised spiritual prosperity, as well as the hop...